Online shopping comparison & coupons app to compare & find the best price onlinePriceTree - Shopping price comparison app for shoppers and retailers,
Online shopping comparison & coupons app to compare & find the best price online
PriceTree - Shopping price comparison app for shoppers and retailers, use PriceTree Android app while shopping online to find the best price from hundreds of online stores and save a lot. In addition, you can also find best money saving coupons, deals, promo & promotional codes, exciting offers and best deals to save money on your online shopping. Get amazing deals, discount coupons, best prices and offers from 500+ online Indian shopping, travel and food websites. Get immediate notification on great deals and price drops alerts for your favorite Mobile Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Cameras, TVs, Personal Appliances, Books and many more categories.
• Save 70%+: Our users save average 60%-70% by price comparison and discount coupons.
• Online Stores: Thousands of online stores price listed for easy comparison.
• Price History : A beautiful price graph to find the best time to buy a product. See price chart for all products.
• Discount Coupons: Get deal and discount coupons directly from online stores.
• Expert Reviews: Read product reviews from industry experts.
• Specification Comparison: Compare Apple to Apple specification to choose the best.
• Price History: See the historical price change and drop for 1 week or monthly.
• Brands: 5000+ retails brands with around 5 million online products.
• Local Stores: Find offline stores near to you, with location sharing.
• Quick Search: Speak or type to search your favorite products online from hundred of online websites including Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal.
And yes smallest size app in shopping comparison, no annoying notifications, battery and memory drain. Available for free on playstore for all online shoppers. So lets, experience the next generation comparison shopping only at PriceTree.
In addition to basic android permissions, the PriceTree app needs access to other functions on your device for it to support the above features -
• Wi-Fi: To allow the app to connect to Wi-Fi and browse PriceTree on Wi-Fi.
• Location: Providing location specific personalization used to find offline stores near to you.
• Microphone: Microphone is used for voice search on PriceTree products.
• Identity : Price Drop emails and Push Notification(You can always Opt out, if you don't want to receive notifications)
Same experience in Desktop(Install Chrome Extension):
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